Special Offer

To celebrate our website launched, we have a special offer now! If you book a birthday party for 1.5hr up, you will receive a hand made kids lamp as the birthday present! The night lamp is uniquely designed based on your kid’s drawing. Isn’t it wonderful? Don’t miss it! Found more on the lamp. 為慶祝我們的網站成立,我們現在提供特別優惠!如果您預訂1.5小時以上的生日會,您將收到一個手工製作的兒童小夜燈作為生日禮物!小夜燈是根據您孩子的繪畫而獨特設計的。是不是很吸引呢?千萬不要錯過啊!更多小夜燈。